Our Vision

Our vision at Bridge Builders is a passion for transformative relationships in our churches and communities.

We long to see local Christian communities as a witness to the reconciling love of Christ in a broken world and to be able to say to our communities “If you want to see differences handled well, then go to your local church”.

Yet we recognise that while as Christians we are called to live out the Gospel of reconciliation in our daily lives, we often struggle to do so in practice. Our church culture can be fearful of acknowledging difference or disagreement, often leading to deep-seated or hidden hurts.

Our desire at Bridge Builders is to provide support and resources in learning, growth, personal and communal transformation to enable others to live out their calling to be a reconciling presence in our world.

We particularly seek to equip those in leadership in our Christian communities to navigate the difficult terrain of tension and conflict.

We draw on our Mennonite roots where practical peace-making and blessing of one’s enemies are core elements of the Christian gospel. These beliefs have found particular expression in the Mennonite tradition of the church, where they shaped Bridge Builders’ ministry from the outset, and continue to be part of our heritage in the present.

What We Do

Our core work is offering training and providing support to Christian leader through consultancy, facilitation, coaching and limited amount of mediation work. We also seek to be a resource for the church as it addresses difference.


Training is our core activity:
  • A variety of practical workshops and courses
  • From one-off sessions to five-day residentials and extended programmes
  • Equipping Christians to lead more effectively, especially in the face of tensions and conflict

Responding to requests

We can offer:
  • Tailor-made training – it can be part of your existing programme, or a conference
  • Support in challenging situations – e.g. coaching for leaders, or inter-personal mediation
  • Facilitation in a variety of settings – e.g. team-building, or making important decisions
  • Advice – e.g. designing processes for discussing difficult issues or building consensus