We are passionate about peace and our vision is to see people resourced to live the transforming gospel of reconciliation in every aspect of their lives.
Our work of training and support is offered to churches and church leaders across the UK. We believe this work is at the heart of the Gospel and we work hard to keep our costs as low as possible to make our training available to as wide a range of people as possible.
All gifts, small and large are very welcome. By supporting our work, you enable us to continue to develop what we offer. If you have benefitted from our work, you may wish to support our Bursary Fund to enable others to participate in our training.
As a small independent charity, we receive no funding from any denominational or other bodies, so the support of individuals who value our work is extremely important to us.
You can find details of how to make a one-off gift, or to become a regular donor below. Thank you!

Ways to Give
Regular or one-off gift
- Via give.net – donations can be made by debit or credit card. Please follow this link give.net to go to our page.
- By standing order – donations can be made directly to our bank account. Our bank details are: The Cooperative Bank, Sort Code 08-92-99, Account Number 65476239. Name of account: Bridge Builders. Reference: your name.
- By cheque – please make cheques payable to ‘Bridge Builders’ and send to Bridge Builders, PO Box 4347, Swindon SN2 9NH
Gift Aid
If your donation qualifies for Gift Aid, we are able to claim an additional 25p for every £1 given. Please download and complete a Gift Aid form and return it to Bridge Builders, PO Box 4347, Swindon SN2 9NH or email to bb@bbministries.org.uk.
Large gifts and Legacies
Please contact us on 020 3968 4999 or bb@bbministries.org.uk if you wish to give a large gift or leave a legacy.
Copyright Fees
We are aware that there are many individuals, churches and wider church bodies using Bridge Builders material as part of your regular training. We are delighted that the material continues to be useful and relevant to so many in ministry.
This is a gentle reminder that any copies of Bridge Builders material that you use for this purpose is subject to copyright fees. We can supply details of the fees and a form for keeping track of them – please contact bb@bbministries.org.uk. If it’s a while since you did make a copyright payment and retrospective counting of copies would be time consuming, we would be very glad to receive a donation in lieu.