Upcoming Foundation Courses
Transforming Conflict 1: Leadership, Discipleship and Community for Senior Christian Leaders
Transforming Conflict 1: Leadership, Discipleship and Community – A Foundation Course for Christian Leaders
About our Foundation Courses
Transforming Conflict 1: Leadership, Discipleship and Community
Transforming Conflict 1 is our flagship foundation course
- A five-day residential training course
- Running three times a year (two standard courses and one senior leaders’ course)
- Aimed at people with leadership responsibility in the church and other Christian settings
- Practical focus and active style of learning
- Opportunities to on your own contexts and experience
This course lays the foundation for working with and through the inevitable tensions that are part of life and recognising our call as Christian disciples to live well with difference.
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- Teaching/input
- group work
- guided practice
- opportunities for skills practice (role-plays)
- prayer and worship
- opportunities for self reflection and personal learning
Expect an intensive and busy time!
We are seeking:
To increase your self-awareness as a leader facing conflict, so that you become clearer about how others experience you and more confident about some of what you have to offer, and where you may need to grow;
To transform your attitude towards conflict and engaging with conflict, so that you are able to face conflict more constructively, and to model that attitude for others;
To equip you with practical skills for working with conflict as a leader, so that you can engage with conflict more confidently in future.
By the end of the course we expect that you will have:
- Developed greater awareness about your own communication style and its impact on others.
- Reflected on some Biblical resources related to conflict.
- Enhanced your skills for communicating effectively in times of conflict.
- Practised and learnt skills to facilitate meetings.
- Learnt ways of building consensus and working with resistance in groups.
- Developed your ability to analyse conflict and to identify what intervention may be appropriate, such as mediation.
- Considered ways to nurture a culture of creative engagement with conflict.
- Reflected on the type of leadership needed in times of conflict.
- Discovered ways that conflict can offer opportunities for growth.
Apply for the standard course if you have a leadership role in a local church or non regional context – for example as an ordained minister, youth leader or lay preacher. This version assumes that you mainly face conflict as it emerges in local churches and congregations or other smaller Christian groups or organisations.
Apply for the senior leaders’ course if you have a leadership role at regional or national level – for example Bishops, Archdeacons, Directors of Ministry and others in the senior staff team (Anglican & Roman Catholic), Regional Ministers (Baptist), District Chairs (Methodist), Divisional Commanders (Salvation Army), Moderators (URC), or equivalents in other denominations and Christian settings. This version assumes that your oversight responsibilities include intervening in conflicts at local church or organisational level.
Please contact us if you are unsure which course would be most appropriate to your role.
Leading in Anxious Times – A Systems Approach to Leadership
This foundation course is the successor to the well-received course: Leading with Emotional Maturity
- A two part course of 2 x 2 days, run in residential or hybrid mode – four training days in all
- Aimed at people with leadership responsibility in the church and Christian contexts
- Focused on personal growth and character
- Helps you understand, and transform, your pattern of relating to others
- Enables a systems based approach to issues of tension and disagreement within our church and Christian contexts
This course deepens the capacity of Christian leaders to stay at peace in challenging situations, through exploring relationships and patterns within the leader’s own family of origin, and in the light of a systems approach to leadership. It draws on the insights of Family Systems Theory developed by Murray Bowen.
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